Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The email I sent to the tour group after we were home:

I know you have all been waiting with bated breath to find out the results of my cell phone bill.

Well. I was fully expecting to receive a cell phone bill in the amount of $839.52 because as we all know, the most expensive phone call in the world is to China. Remember being a kid and your mom saying, "Hang UP! Quit messing with the PHONE! Are you trying to CALL CHINA?!" But my brother got in his car accident and ended up in the ICU and there were phone calls to my mom, and all of my four sisters about his condition (he's fine now, don't worry).

Before we even left on our trip I called Verizon to see what I would be charged and the woman did not know the answer. Very frustrating - but I decided not to worry about it because she also told me that my phone would most likely not work. But, it did. Really well in fact - I had four bars the entire time. And so, while we were there, I emailed a few people from home asking if anybody could tell me how much my phone bill was going to be. I got responses anywhere from $1.29 per minute plus long distance to $4.00 per minute. Nobody could answer the sodding question. I tried looking online at my bill but it had all the charges "except roaming."

So, naturally I was extremely worried and have spent the last two weeks freaking out and checking into getting a Home Equity Loan to discuss payment options. Just kidding. ANYWAY...drum roll...

The bill was $166. My regular monthly bill is $99. It cost me only $67 to call home.

So, I went shoe shopping to celebrate.

Hope everybody's settled back into life and doing well!

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